eBooks and Audio
Attention: To use the these services you must have a current Ontario library card and password. Go to Your Patron Account page for more information.

Meet Libby, the new streamlined app from OverDrive for borrowing and reading ebooks and listening to audiobooks from your local Library2go. This free app created by OverDrive is super simple and available for android and iOS devices.
- Install the Libby app from your device’s app store.
- Open the app and find your library’s location on the map.
- Find your library: LEO - Libraries of Eastern Oregon
- Enter your library card number and password.
- Search for and borrow ebooks and/or audios.
- Tap "Start Reading or Listening "to begin your book. Enjoy.
Have questions? Go to: Libby Help
Is a tried and true ebook reading application has been around for a number of years. Some older devices will not load the newer streamlined Libby app. You can also access Overdrive and read or listen from your computer. Please go to Overdrive to learn how to install the Overdrive app.
Library2Go Borrowing Policy
Your Library account must be current and in good standing at all times to be able to use Library2Go.
Each account may have up to 6 Library2Go items checked out at a time. Once the downloaded files expire they are no longer playable/readable. Expired files may require manual deletion on some devices. A title may be checked out again if there are no holds on the title. You will be notified by email when a copy you have placed on hold is available.
Note: Your check outs and holds at Library2Go do not count towards the items you check out at your local library.